Welcome to New Village Girls Academy!

New Village was established in 2006 to provide a high quality educational opportunity for girls who have not been successfully served in traditional public schools. We allow students to reimagine their futures by providing remarkable educational experiences that ignite their desire to learn as well as social-emotional support from teachers and expert staff. Our students feel safe, encouraged, and excited about learning. They call New Village “a second home.”
Our students are inspiring and resilient — they push themselves to succeed and they welcome new students to the community. Because of their positive attitude, most visitors would not guess that many of our students deal with daunting challenges in their lives such as pregnancy, parenting, violence, foster care, poverty, and juvenile justice involvement. Many struggle with mental health issues, learning disabilities, recent immigration, or lack English language skills. Some are far behind in school before they come to New Village.
To provide the professional internships, educational enrichment, and other vital support that make our program successful, New Village partners with many individuals and organizations; these partnerships make New Village truly a “village” for our students.
In 2022, 100% of our seniors earned high school diplomas, emerging with tools to overcome poverty, violence, and social exclusion. 82% of these graduates have gone on to colleges and universities.
This question provides the foundation for our work with students – a starting point for young women to explore their own interests deeply through authentic projects we help them design. Allowing students to co-create their experience in school leads to engagement and highly successful academic and personal growth. Through this process, students often discover passionate new interests, thus providing direction and motivation for college and career.
Each student at New Village is partnered with one teacher who serves as her advisor, developing and supporting her academic program for her entire time at the school. The advisory is much more than a homeroom. Advisory is each student’s family at school — a place where successes are celebrated and challenges are negotiated.
Also central to our program is the internship. Once a student has identified an area of interest, we work to match her with a professional mentor who, twice weekly, hosts that student in the community. Advisors work with students and mentors to build academic projects around these real world interests and experiences.

Many of our students come to New Village with significant gaps in their educational progress. Despite this, we believe that every single student has talent and skill. Sometimes they are hidden, but they are always present. Always.
As an organization and as a community, we reject the notion that defines our students solely by what they are lacking – our students are more, much more, than their deficiencies. Whatever their prior school experiences, our students have interests and skills that can be the basis for academic success if only we think about education differently. New Village does that.
We honor our students’ lives and experiences by creating academic work that allows them to tell their stories, to discover themselves, to recognize and build on their strengths.