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Driven by individual interests and goals, each student creates a learning plan that satisfies credits needed for graduation and college acceptance. Students explore their interests in depth through project-based learning guided by their advisor.

Students spend half of each day in an advisory of about 20 students, led by a teacher who works as the students’ advisor throughout their time at New Village. Students build close bonds so that the advisory often feels like a family.

Each student spends a half-day, twice a week, in an internship selected to reflect the student’s interests. Internships provide the opportunity to do work of genuine interest with support by an adult professional who acts as mentor.

Our unique wellness program provides access to free medical care and mental health counseling, a full-time school social worker, daily meditation, an edible garden, wilderness outings, and after-school sports and fitness.
Each week, New Village students leave the classroom and spend time interning with dedicated mentors at a wide variety of businesses and organizations.

To find out more about our Learning Through Internships program,