* indica más de 5 años de apoyo
- Abel, David and Levin, Brenda*
- Adams, Janis and Lyons, John
- Adams, Kathy
- Aguilar, Gabriela
- Alexander, Nick and Mary
- Alvarado, David & Amelia
- Anderson,Jane and Ken
- Apfelbaum, William
- Arisha Farquharson
- Atchinson, Deborah
- Atchinson, William*
- Azevedo, Patti and Valenzuela, Teddie
- Babcock, Guilford and Gwen
- Babcock, Mike*
- Baker, Pamela
- Bankston, Mary and Perry*
- Bar-Zemer, Yuval & Miriam
- Barrera, Laura
- Bartman, David
- Bartzokis, Carolanne
- Bates, Hilary and Simon, Jerome
- Bauman, Jill Govan and John
- Baumbusch, Cherry and Peter
- Bea, Madeleine
- Bea, Thomas and Janice*
- Beard, Ron
- Bearman, Liza
- Bell, Perica
- Bellitti, Colleen and Steven
- Benitez, Jacqueline
- Bennett, Annaly
- Bercini, Deanna
- Bertero, Karen and Chester, Ted*
- Biggs, Joe
- Binder, Allison H
- Birns, Ruby
- Blake, Steven and Natalie
- Bogen, Andrew and Deborah*
- Bohlen, Charles
- Bonesteel, Heidi
- Bower, Paul and Elreen*
- Bowers, Bruce F
- Bowles, Norma
- Bowlin, Jessica
- Brinsley, Louise and John
- Briskman, Linda J.
- Brueggemann, Diana and Jim
- Bryson, Louise and John*
- Bucher, Larry C. and Bucher, Theresa L
- Buonocore, Peter
- Caldera, Teresa
- Campbell, Harry and Sandy
- Caragozian, John
- Cavanaugh, Tracy
- Choi, Alison Ra
- Choothesa, Concepcion Solis
- Chou, Nancy and Fayer, Frisco
- Christensen, Carl and Jo Ann Novoson
- Christopher, Anna
- Cindell, Holly
- Clair, Tess and John
- Clareman, Richard
- Clauson, Esther
- Closson, Teresa
- Cohen, Emily*
- Cohen, Robert
- Comrie, Sandy
- Conroy, Roberta
- Cooper, Laura and Gary
- Costantino, Roseanne
- Cowan, Michael
- Cummins, Paul and Mary Ann
- Curtis, Linda
- Davies, Jeremy
- Davis, Bonnie
- De La Hoya, Raquel
- DeNero, Nancy and Henry*
- Denham, Robert and Carolyn*
- Denman, Rose and David
- DeSantis, Denise
- Detels, Mary and Roger*
- DeVera, Vera
- Devereaux, Phreda
- Dillavou, Kitty and Jim
- Dilley, Kerith
- Dillingham, Carolyn
- Dillon, Victoria
- Dimas, Rose
- Dinel, Richard and Joyce*
- Dooley, Ellen
- DuFine, Kate
- Duval, Bettina
- Dyke, Lucy
- Econn, Carol Anne
- Eddy, Brenda Broz*
- Edler, Rick
- Eigenberg, Helen
- Eisenberg, Lucy and David
- Elkus, Sophie
- Escobar, Lizette and Fausto
- Espinoza, Marissa G
- Estolano, Cecilia
- Evans, Barrett and Dinarda, Kevin
- Factor, Max and Arnault, Jane
- Fajardo, Amaya
- Fajardo, Willie
- Farhang, Michael and Lansden, Ellen
- Feinstein, Michael Kif
- Fisher, John and Laura*
- Fitzgibbons, Irma*
- Flick, Wayne and Hynes, Bill
- Flynn, Rita and Frerichs, Ralph
- Fowells, Linda and Kunene, Luyanda*
- Fowler, Kirsten
- Fox, Anne W.
- Fragen, Carol
- Fragen, Katherine & Alan
- Fragen, Katie
- Freeman, Bruce
- Freeman, Clark and Megan
- Freiberg, Brenda and Tom*
- Freiberg, Constance
- Friedman, Dennis
- Fuentes, Cristina
- Fuentes, Sylvia
- Fuhrman, David and Maria
- Garcia, Liliana Hernandez
- Garista, Rosemary
- Gold, Irwin
- Goldberg, Lawry
- Goldin, Anya and Alex Klachin
- Goldsmith, Gordon
- Goldwyn, Peggy Elliott
- Gonzalez, Eliza Angelica
- Gonzalez, Liliana
- Gonzalez, Patrice C.
- Gonzalez, Waldo
- Goodman, Marc and Christine
- Goodman, Tanya and David
- Gordon, Andrew
- Gordon, Judy
- Green, Lourdes and Dan*
- Green, Michael and Sheri
- Griego, Linda and Peterson, Ron
- Grigsby, Sharon and Dr. J. Eugene*
- Grossman, Margie and Paul*
- Guarderas, Nancy R.
- Guggenheim, Lori and Paul*
- Gumport, Anna*
- Gupta, Ashish
- Gutfreund, Jamie
- Guzman, Bianca
- Guzman, Javier and Parham, Lennon
- Halston, John
- Harris, Burt («Buzz») I.*
- Harris, Salli
- Hart, Cary
- Hernandez, Lizette
- Hernandez, Rocio
- Hill, David and Joan
- Hirsh Naftali, Elizabeth
- Hoffman, Patti and Oppenheim, Gene*
- Honbo, Arlene A. and Gene
- Hook, Lynne and Jack
- Hope, Pamela
- Horton, Susan
- Hubbell, Robert
- Isaacs, Joseph
- Isaacs, Rebecca*
- Ishibashi, Michael
- Janes, Pamela*
- Jashni, Jon and Jolie
- Jeon, Grace
- Johnson, Bob and Marilyn
- Jude, Ericka
- Justice, Cheryl and Gary
- Kahan, Alex and Susie
- Kahnowitz, Marcia
- Kaminsky, Dotty
- Kanoff, Mary Ellen and Chris
- Kantor, Russell
- Karubian, John
- Kee, Annie
- Keith, Dennis and Joanne
- Keyser, Marilyn
- Kiang, Nancy
- King, Carol Soucek
- Kitchens, Dean
- Klein, Scott
- Klein, Teresa
- Kleiner, Madeleine and Williams, Harley*
- Knecht, Kurt
- Korzec, Kristi
- Kraskin, Leah
- Krueger-Wyman Family Fund*
- Kruse, Scott and Ruth*
- Kunst, Sarah
- Lam, Valerie Tuyet
- Landecker, Anita
- Lane, Zoe
- Lassen, Mary
- Lautman, Jo Ann
- Lawler, Iz
- Leanse, Barbara and Tom
- Lee, Gil and Marisa
- Lee, Marvin
- Lehrer-Graiwer, Shelah
- Lehrer, Ariella
- Leinwand, Shari*
- Lesser, Joan and Johnston, Ronald
- Lewis, Lynn*
- Litchfield, Anne*
- Litewka, Albert
- Little, Lorna P.and Alonzo*
- Loeterman, Mark and Nancy Cole
- MacLaren, Hannah
- Magee, Dianne
- Maguire, Michael
- Mayeda, Karen
- McClellan, Belvin
- McGee, Elaine
- McGowan, Megan
- Mcgregor, Kristen
- McLane, Catherine
- McMahon, James
- Medina, Eric and Gloria
- Meeske, Kathy and Bill
- Meier, Celeste B.
- Meier, Linda
- Meltzer, Susan
- Mercier, Megan
- Meyers, Pete and Sherry
- Michel, Kimberly
- Milk, Roberto
- Miller, O’Malley and Ann*
- Montgomery, James W.
- Morris, Cecilia
- Morrow, Margaret
- Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation
- Mukogawa, Beverly
- Muller, Edward and Bauer, Patricia*
- Munger, Ann
- Munger, Wendy and Gumport, Leonard
- Muscarolas, Miriam
- Mutchnik, Nicole and Alan
- Nakatomi, Debra
- Narayan, Sanjeev & Smrithi
- Nash, Michael
- Nelson, Louise
- Nevins, Sharon and Richard
- Newberg, Bruce and Nancy Newberg
- Newhouse, Joseph and Margaret
- Newman, Eddie
- Nguyen, Tuan
- Niles, Marian
- Nissen, Steve
- Nowak, Sheri
- O’Connell, Mary Adams and O’Connell, Kevin
- Okumu, Lucy
- Olson, Vicki and Gary
- Osborn, Barbara
- Osenbaugh, Kurt
- Otey, Leila C
- Owyang Feldman, Caitlin
- Owyang, Courtney
- Owyang, Laurie and Jon*
- Owyang, Patty and Young, John
- Padgett, Kit and Art
- Palacios, Jessica
- Palacios, Maureen
- Park, Esther Nare
- Patapoff, Sharon
- Patrick, Sue and Kirk
- Patriquin, Lisa
- Payden, Joan*
- Pearson, Cynthia and Perryman, David
- Pearson, Edward F.
- Pegine Grayson
- Pelcyger, Joel and Ellie
- Perkins, Howard
- Person, Mary Catherine & Trevor
- Phelan, Carolanne
- Pillsbury, Sarah
- Pisano, Jane and Mark*
- Poon, Julian and Justine Bae
- Posel, Ben and Bauman, Jessica*
- Posel, Dan and Lenihan, Jean*
- Posel, Ellen and Gockley, Stephen*
- Pozniak, Naama O.
- Purcell, Patrick and Simone*
- Purcell, Sherry
- Rabin, Stephen C.
- Rabin, Steve and Winslow, Jonathan
- Rahn, Mikala
- Rapaport, Marc
- Recko-Kasliwal, Barbara and Kasliwal, Pari
- Reed, Debbie
- Rhodes, Win*
- Richane, Amber & Ted
- Ritchie, Louise and Robert
- Rivera, Emmanuel
- Roberts, Jordon
- Rodriguez-Creger, Clara
- Rodriguez, Carmella*
- Rodriguez, Elisa
- Rodriguez, Lis
- Roman, Jesus
- Romoff, Luisa
- Roosevelt, Julianna and Weinstein, Henry
- Roosevelt, Margot and Girton, George
- Rosen, Arlene
- Rosenberg, Sally Anne and Chuck
- Rosenblatt, Lisa
- Roth, Rosalie
- Rudder, Mark
- Russell, Casey
- Saltman, Joshua*
- Sandoval, Cecilia M.
- Sawyer, Anne
- Scott, Diane and Michael
- Seaver, Sonja Berggren and Pat
- Sebastian, Ann
- Segan, Allison
- Serrano, Rosana
- Shladovsky, Azadeh
- Shockro, Ellen and Shaw, Jack
- Shorkend, Brenda
- Simmonds, Trecia
- Smith, Steve
- Sohnen, Michele*
- Solo, Gail
- Sonik, Rajan
- Soto, Andrea
- Stahl, Renee and Toback, Jeremy
- Stamberger, Susan L.
- Styne, Kelly and Nick*
- Surman, Greg and Connolly, Karen*
- Swanson, Jane W
- Swink, Kitty and Shimerman, Armin*
- Tassler, Nina
- Taylor, Coralyn Andres and Peter
- Taylor, Yvonne
- The Micah Fund at Rose Community Foundation
- Thomas, Beverly Benedict and Kent Benjamin
- Thomas, J. Nicholson and Kako Oshima
- Threatt, Brenda
- Tovar, Elizabeth
- Tovar, Gabriela
- Tuttle, Donna Frame
- Tyner, Cathy
- Unterman, Tom and Janet*
- Valenzuela, Letty
- Van Amburgh, Beth and Michael
- Vander Zanden, Sierra
- Vargas, Belen*
- Veritas Public Affairs
- Victor Trillo
- Villafana, Monica
- Villaneda, Nelly
- Viviana & Myan Spaccarelli
- Vohwinkel, Liz
- Volz, Kathy
- Wagner, Barbara and Charles Palmer*
- Walker, Belinda Smith and Walker, Jack*
- Walker, Liz and Paul
- Ward, Scott and Julie
- Wardlaw, Kim and William
- Wass, Nina
- Watkins, Marsha*
- Weiss, Steven and Lisa
- Weissenborn, Stanton «Tom»
- Weissenborn, Tom*
- West, Mary Beth and Rick*
- Wetzel, Rick and Elise
- Wigmore, John
- Williams, Emily
- Williams, Nicole
- Williams, Rayni Romito
- Wilson, Suzanne V.*
- Wingfield, Jane
- Winston, Phillip W.
- Winter, Joe and Alison
- Wise, Alyson
- Wiseman, Ari
- Wollan, Judy
- Wolpert, Dorothy
- Wong, Kerrilee
- Woo Chitjian, Jeanette
- Wright, Clifford
- Wright, Lauriann
- Young-Smith, Chanel
- Young, Debbie
- Zbur, Rick
- Ziegler, Peter and Cheryl
actualizado el 30 de junio de 2024